We were absolutly blessed this past weekend to head down to Paindane Beach with Dwight and Lynn, as well as the current three short-termers we have here at the farm. It was such a blessing to fellowship with each other, enjoy God's beauty and get a few winks of rest in before VBS these next few weeks. We spent most of this week preparing for our two weeks of organized chaos with the kids at the school. The short term volunteers have been busy helping make lessons, posters, cut up fabric for crafts, cut out dozens of flannelgraph figures and generally making our lives a lot easier! Praise The Lord for volunteers!
Of course, cutting strips of fabric doesnt make for terribly great pictures, and half the time we were in town running errands, so I dont have any of all that work- Next week we will have TONS of pics though!
Here are a few pics of our time at the beach- Praise the Lord for three days of relaxation and renewal!

We have several prayer requests for the next few weeks-
1. We are running two weeks of Vacation Bible School at our primary school. We could have over a hundred kids, so please pray for safety for everyone, a good time of learning, and that everyone will have FUN!!!!!
2. This week we met with the director of the orphanage Tendai came from. She brought us every document and declaration she thought we could possibly need for the adoption process. We will be meeting with the social action workers on Monday (hopefully) to find out if there is ANYTHING else they are going to want. Please pray that all the documents will be in order and that we can get the process started in the next few weeks.
3. We also found out that there is a POSSIBILITY of getting travel documents that will allow us to travel around Mozambique, as well as to South Africa with Tendai, before the adoption goes thru. This would be a huge blessing to us, and we are really hoping that it will work out!
4. Our truck- PRAISE THE LORD... if all goes well it will be in Beira by the end of this week. We cant wait until it gets here- rick now has to hip check the rear passenger doors on Izzy to get them open... oh the Joy.
Blessings... Rick, Heather and Tendai