ok... so its been awhile. I apologise! Its been a very busy few weeks, but we are now in South Africa getting some much needed rest, and catching up on a few errands etc. Ill upload a few pictures from the last few weeks so you can see what went on- it was great to have the nursing team here, and we were sad to see them go! I know the love and care they showed so many in our community will be a testimony for a long time to come!

this is seriously the cutest most squishiest kid i have seen in a long time.. what a sweetheart!

on of the Mozambiquan nursing students we worked with listens to a fetal heartbeat using something called a fetalscope or something like that. (essentially a funny shaped piece of wood with a hole in it)

the whole prairie nursing team and Sr. Da Cruz- director of Vanduzi Hospital

carleen gives one of our school kids a piggy back ride!

suzanne, cuddles with baby Kinead. Baby Kinead is the tiny baby I posted a picture of before. Sadly, Kinead had full blown AIDS, and passed away this past week. Although we are saddened by her passing, we rejoice that she is now pain free and dancing in heaven. The love and compassion the nurses showed to her and her family will be a testimony of God's neverending Love for many years to come.

The nursing team brought Mae Marosa a new flip flop (she has only one leg), Kristine shows off the one they relplaced- held together by shoelace and string!

pouring water to give the school kids- this was to help wash down some medicines given, but the team also spent many hours serving lunch in the school kitchen!
Thank you for all the prayers in the last little while- we needed them! We are grateful to have Dwight and Lynn back here in Africa with us, and are looking forward to another couple of busy months ahead of us. Our intensive training seminars for the Bible School start in just a few weeks and we (mostly Rick) will be busy teaching there, as well as hopefully prepping for another Childrens Ministry Training Seminar in the near future.
In other news we are pretty much half way to our fundraising goal for our new truck- It has been awesome to see God's people respond to our need- THANK YOU!
Also, we are continuing to pursue adoption here in Moz, and could definetly use some prayers in that regard. I think ill make a list of prayer requests - i always like it when folks tell me specific needs, so here goes:
1. That funds will continue to come in for our vehicle fund.
2. That until those funds come in, our current vehicle will "keep on truckin".
3. That government offices and officials will be open to our adoption request, and that the needed papers will come thru so we can "start" the process. (it can take MONTHS upon MONTHS for stuff to happen around here... and even then could fall thru)
4. That our intensive seminars will go well, and will be a great time of learning for all involved.
5. For health and safety for us as we travel and work here.
I think thats a good list for now! Blessings- Rick & Heather