Some portuguese language childrens bibles we picked up in Brazil before we left.
......... I'll probably jump for joy! LOL These past few days have been FULL of shopping for supplies we are going to need once we arrive in Mozambique. We have purchased everything it feels like, including..deep cycle batteries, coolers for meat, bedding, towels, hammers, cutlery,flashlights.. and well.... the list goes on and on. However.. we know that being so close to a mall and a grocery store with plentiful options will soon be a thing of the past. We have also had to do some research shopping to prepare ourselves for when we will need to purchase a new vehicle to replace the aging mission vehicle currently available to us.
Getting prices for a new line of Chinese made 4x4 trucks! For mozambique... everything has to be 4x4... or else!!
Kim ( Dwight and Lynn's niece) checking out the inside dimensions of a trailer.
I can see why Dwight and Lynn and their kids love coming down to Mercy Air- it is absolutly beautiful here, and very peaceful. Mercy Air is a "flying mission" that reaches a good chunk of southern africa. Their base in White River, South Africa is well laid out, and has several guesthouses available for visiting missionaries to rent at very decent rates!
One of Mercy Air's planes, recently used in a movie about Amelia Earhart (sp??)
And of course... what would Africa be without Elephants??? We already saw one... albeit a circus elephant in a parking lot just down the road from the business park.. but hey... it was an elephant!!!!

Than you so much for all your prayers... we were blessed to arrive here, safe and sound, with all of our luggage, and with very few delays or problems! God is so Good. Please continue to pray for us, that everything we need to accomplish in the next few days will get done, and for safe driving next week as we have two very long days of driving towards the end of next week.