This year at VBS we again focused on how each of us is
uniquely created, special and part of Gods plan. He has a plan for each of us.
We had great prizes for those who memorized the selected
memory verses- T-shirts, Portuguese books, toys, hair pretties, and for one
special young man who managed to memorize all three verses & references AND
the actions to accompany them- a brand new Solar New Testament of his very own!
choosing a prize!
The Big Winner!!!
Rick told the stories of Moses, Esther, Jonah and Creation
to teach the kids the truth that every one of us is special and has a role to
play in God’s plan. The kids loved to get involved in the storytelling, and
listened very closely so they could get sweets during the quiz time afterwards!
We were blessed this year to have two wonderful women who have been
volunteering at the farm, assist us with VBS. They were an incredible blessing and we appreciated their servant
hearts immensely!
Telling the creation story
Quizzing time!
Janette (one of our volunteers) and Rick
Rick prepping for showing a Bible story movie to the kids
The rest of the mornings were split between games , crafts
and a whole lot of singing and dancing! We made ID tags, with each child
choosing a picture to go on the front, representing a profession they would
like to do in the future. We colored animal masks on creation day (each one
created uniquely!), and made fabric headbands to wear as well. Crafts are one of my favorite parts of VBS
since we really get to see the kids demonstrate their creative side. Even the
teachers want to participate!
Working hard on headbands
animal masks...such beautiful lions!
smiles all around!
our other volunteer Karoline fingerprinting the kids for their special id cards
Every time we do DVBS most of our games revolve around
water- since it is the hottest time of year! This year was no different, with
nearly a thousand water balloons, and huge basins filled with water and
sponges! Duck Duck Goose is just so much more fun and entertaining when the
goose gets to chase down the “chooser” with a water balloon! Even the game
“In/Out” can be made infinitely more entertaining with a few well thrown wet
sponges! We had giant sponge water fights, and some more organized relays with
sponges, or juice and cookies.
even Tendai joins in the fun
three legged race with your baby brother on your back... wow.
duck duck goose with water balloons!!
juice and cookies... MMMMM
water games are a BIG favourite... of everyone!!!
My other favorite part of VBS is the “opening time” where
the kids sing and dance as we get organized. Often we have competitions between
the boys and girls, or older and younger students, or teachers and students….
Sometimes we just all dance and sing for as long as we can! It would start with a core group of about 40
kids, but by the time we finished the opening time every day, there would be
150 smiling and dancing kids in the circle.
they kick up a lot of dust!!!!
a casualty of to much energetic dancing... a stubbed toe in need of attention
I can hardly describe to you how tiring it is to be in the
sun, the heat (it was at least 40 degrees every day but one!), speaking a
language that is not your own, and trying to corral kids with more energy than
I have ever possessed, for an entire week- but I find it equally hard to
describe to you the joy, and amazing smiles we got to witness on the faces of
150 kids from the Mozambican Bush! I can hardly put into words how
proud/humbled (I know, weird to have those feelings at the same time) I was
when a young boy stood up on day one and recited the memory verse from last year,
word for word, with the actions! I actually cried- because I knew that VBS is
making a difference in their lives. Sure it is fun, and some only come for the
food offered, but there are so many young lives who are being impacted for
eternity by the ministry at the school and thru VBS- and that makes every drop
of sweat, every sunburned shoulder, every papercut from cutting ridiculous
amounts of papercrafts, every dusty, dirty mud stained piece of clothing oh so
worth it!!! Thank you for joining us in prayer, and for continuing to pray for
the lives of these kids!

after a busy morning of playing, everyone appreciates a good lunch
volunteers willing to lend a hand or two... and an arm and a leg
cool refreshing water!!!
In other news, obviously, Tendai and I made it safely back
home to the farm- thank you for your prayers for our safety as we travelled!
Our flights went very well- Tendai slept for ELEVEN hours straight on the 16
hour flight- cant complain about that!!!
Our house is slowly but surely trucking along. We hope to be
pouring the floor in the first room on Monday- it will be our test room, and if
it goes well we will start with other rooms soon after. Then comes
painting/plumbing/kitchen cabinet building (all at once). Please continue to
pray for funds and supplies to be available, and that we will be able to
continue with the work. Our ministry account is VERY low, with all the recent
expenses and house needs. We are definetly in need of funds to come in.
Another prayer request is for Rain. We expect the Rains to start soon, and the
sooner the better! We pray they will start on time- or even early as it has
been an extraordinarily dry winter/spring and our area is desperately in need
of water. Without it, boreholes will dry up, the river stops flowing, crops
cannot grow, and the threat of starvation becomes VERY real for the local
Thank you again for your continued prayers for our safety and
health- they are much appreciated!
God Bless, -Rick, Heather & Tendai Neufeld