Spring is a time of change and renewal- this spring in particular is a time of change for Rick & I. We are so excited to have booked our tickets and will be leaving for Brazil on April 22. After four months of learning the Portuguese language we will be heading to Mozambique. We arrive in Africa August 19th.
As we head in to this spring it is amazing how many changes we are facing! We are looking at selling all of our belongings in the next few weeks at our "Sell-ebration." (Talk about Spring Cleaning!!!) It is amazing how much we have to sell, donate, store and pack. We are also planning to leave our home (at this point our "garage"), and visit with family for the first part of April before we leave for Brazil. It is somewhat scary to think that we need to have all our paperwork, packing, shopping, errands and visiting done in the next two weeks!

This spring will also be a time of new surroundings, cultures, languages and friends. As we are approaching all these new things it is easy to be overwhelmed and scared. We have confidence though that God is going to guide us and get us thru each new experience. Of course there will be times when we are sad, lonely, scared and frustrated, but just knowing that we have so many people praying for us & encouraging us and God guiding us is enough to keep us going!
We are also realising that our time with family and friends is growing short, and the thought of saying goodbye to so many wonderful people ...... well... i keep trying to avoid thinking about it!!!
Please continue to pray for us, for safe travel, and that our support level will continue grow. We are nearly 2/3rds of the way to reaching our monthly support goal, and our personal loan is nearly paid off. God is so good!!
We hope to update again before our big auction, and before we leave! Once we depart, we hope to be able to update more regularly with pictures and stories of our day to day experiences.
God Bless,
Rick and Heather