In other news, the renovations of the garage have pretty much come to a standstill, but i have hope that they will continue again soon. (soon is a relative term i have come to find out!) Rick is busy working with his brothers framing and pretty much building houses, they have a line- up of houses waiting to be done, so there is no shortage of work for them! I have been hired at the new Superstore in Steinbach, as a cashier. I enjoy the job, but would like more hours, so we will have to see if it picks up over summer or not. We are in the process of trying to get everything organised for our deputation etc, but i am finding it dificult to accomplish with so much disaray around me. Hopefully, as I begin to settle into a schedule and determine what it is that needs to be done first, things will start rolling. Soon we will be calling and mailing churches to begin to schedule our visits, and will send out newsletters and support letters as well- it seems like a lot of work, but we will get it all done! (I guess that is one reason to be thankful for fewer hours at work!) Well, I should be going, I promise it wont take me another month to put up a new post. Please pray for us as we begin the work of deputation and fundraising! God Bless- Heather and Rick